The Cansulta Difference

Quick, direct, and affordable access to vetted business experts.

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Snapshot: Cansulta’s Strengths

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Cansulta’s five-step vetting process admits <20% of applicants
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No overhead or admin means clients only pay for consultants’ work
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Our experts span 12 specialties and 30+ industries
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Find experts, book intros, and start working in minutes
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Get high-level insights from the industry’s brightest minds
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Enlist hands-on support or choose full-service success packages
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The Consulting Landscape

Business support comes in many different forms, each with their own pros and cons—but no one offers value across the board like Cansulta!
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What makes Cansulta different?

Confidence, Convenience, Diversity, and More

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We Set a High Bar for Cansultants

The only consultants you’ll find here have proven to be the best in the business.

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Pay for Expert Support–Not Overhead

Cansulta’s platform streamlines client-consultant collaboration.

Without tedious admin work, consultants avoid minimum billings, meaning it’s often cheaper to work with them on Cansulta than to contact them directly!

And if you need help finding support, our Concierge is available free of charge (and isn’t baked into your consulting fees).

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Get the Help You Need, When You Need It

Finding the help you need should never be more difficult than tackling challenges alone, and paperwork should never get in the way of collaboration. 

Let’s make things simple:

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Find your expert(s)

Search from our homepage, browse our Consultants page, or talk to our Concierge to find the right support for your needs.

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Book Introductions

Explore each expert’s skills and expertise on their profile page, then book live video Intros with as many experts as you like!

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Get down to work

Book full in-depth consultations by the hour, or purchase hands-on support in pre-built packages or custom-built solutions.

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Insight to Make the Best Decisions

The right strategies can make or break a business, so our experts are standing by to weigh in on your biggest challenges through online consultations.

Book a one hour session for quick-input, or make Cansultants a staple of your team with in-depth or recurring meetings.

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Get More than Advice

Many of our consultants offer full-service solutions to improve your marketing, finances, leadership team, and more. 

Choose from pre-arranged packages or work on a custom program for your unique needs.

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What makes Cansulta different?

World-class vetted consultants

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How We Compare

See how our unique approach is unlike other options.

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Open Freelance
Closed Freelance
Type of SupportFull Collaboration
(Insight AND Execution)
(Design & development)
(Design & development)
(Strategy & planning)
(Strategy & planning)
Expertise AssuranceMulti-Stage VettingUnknownMulti-Stage VettingUnknownQuality guarantees
Accessibility of SupportSelf-guided matchmaking with free IntrosManual RFPs and personal vettingRFPs with matchmaking supportManual searches & word of mouthClosed-door matching with lengthy setup
Cost EfficiencyMarket priceMarket priceMarket price & overheadMarket priceMarket price & overhead
Diversity of Expertise OfferedOne-stop shopOne-stop shopLimited specializationsSingle specializationsLimited specializations

Success Stories

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"John helped us see the bigger picture around what our business really did. He helped us bring several separate services together under one unique and powerful solution and made selling our combined services much easier. More than that: he helped our employees embrace their role in our shared mission, and has dramatically changed how investors look at our business!"
Frank Buonpensiero
Director, EIO Solutions
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I was immediately drawn to Lisa’s ability to creatively solve complex problems. Lisa looks at the world differently in the best way possible; when most zig, Lisa zags. Lisa doesn’t believe in “you’s” or “I’s”, she believes in “we’s” and does everything in her power to make sure each team member feels valued and their contributions are recognized. Even during our hectic schedules, I could always count on Lisa to take initiative and come in clutch. She is the definition of a “no look pass”. I cannot express how much I enjoyed working with Lisa and can’t recommend her enough!

Patrick Valoppi

Founder, Valoppi Ventures

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Our consultants have already helped companies like:

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