An older man with glasses, a slight smile, and short, thinning hair is dressed in a suit and tie. He is set against a transparent background. A small blue icon with a person reading a book is located in the bottom right corner.

IMPACT Legal Resources guides your law firm through Growth, Performance, and Succession. They are there when your law firm hires, requires back-office support and needs high-level guidance to increase profits, cut costs, and improve processes.

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New York, USA
Time Zone
Eastern Standard (GMT-4)
Business Strategy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Product & Design, Technology & Data


Business Strategy
Human Resources
Product & Design

Barry is a trusted Executive Director/COO with demonstrated success in building great management teams and bringing fresh approaches to management of law firms.

He is a principal of “Best Practices in Legal Management, a Comprehensive Guide”, published by the New York State Bar, a bestseller, an inactive CPA and CLM (Certified Legal Manager).

Reach out to Barry when your law firm:

  • is hiring,
  • requires back-office support, or
  • needs high-level guidance to increase profits, cut costs, and improve processes.

Education & Credentials

  • University of Richmond (cum laude)
  • CPA (Certified Public Accountant), inactive
  • CLM (Certified Legal Manager)


  • “Best Practices in Legal Management, A Comprehensive Guide”, Barry Jackson and Kimberly Swetland are principals. Published January 2010 by NYSBA.
  • Authored the Disaster Recovery Template which appears on the NYS Bar Website and ALANYC Website.
  • New York Law Journal, October 28, 2002 “The Art and Science of Benefits Provision”
  • Beyond the Numbers – Marcum & Kliegman, October 2004, “A New Benefit for Partners and Shareholders of S Corporations”


  • Resolved four years of unreconciled Escrow Accounts
  • Created Desk Profiles (Manuals) for all accounting staff
  • Reduced Billing Processing from three weeks a month to three days
  • Identified Unprofitable Clients
  • Created Budgets & Cash Flows to map the path to get out of debt
  • Tracked Partner Surveys revealing ranking of each Partner
  • And much more!

  • Business Strategy
  • Communications
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Operations
  • Product & Design
  • Technology & Data

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