$300.00 excluding tax

Strategic Insight Session: 90 Minutes to Troubleshoot, Brainstorm, and Get Unstuck


  • Business Strategy
  • Leadership
  • Operations


  • Manage
  • Plan
  • Solve


Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? Need clarity or honest, constructive feedback?

My Strategic Insight Session will leave you energized, with a renewed sense of direction and clear next steps to tackle your challenges.

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Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


As a founder, entrepreneur, freelancer, CEO, COO, or manager, it’s common to feel isolated when facing business challenges. You may not have someone to confide in or seek advice from, whether because you don’t want to worry your team or because those close to you don’t fully understand your business complexities. This is where I come in. During our 90-minute session, I’ll listen intently to your situation, ask targeted questions, and provide actionable recommendations to help you get unstuck. You’ll leave the session feeling lighter, with a clear path forward.


  • I will host a 90-minute one-on-one online session where you will discuss your current challenges, aspirations, and desired outcomes.
  • I will ask thought-provoking questions about the state of your business and personal situation, diving deep into the specific issue or challenge you’re facing.
  • I will provide honest, constructive feedback and actionable recommendations to help you overcome obstacles and move forward with clarity.


  • Live online session: A focused 90-minute strategic session with undivided attention on your unique challenges.
  • Follow-up email: An email containing the recording and transcript of our session, along with a list of actions and recommendations discussed during the call.


This work typically requires a single 90-minute session, with the follow-up email delivered within 48 hours after the session.


  • Transparency is key: You’ll need to be open and honest about your situation to receive the most effective assistance.
  • Follow-up: You are encouraged to implement the recommendations and follow through with the next steps discussed during our session for optimal results.

This session is perfect for those who need a quick, powerful injection of clarity and strategic insight. Whether you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or just in need of a fresh perspective, this 90-minute session is designed to provide the guidance and motivation you need to move forward confidently.


“We discussed a new service that I want to bring to market. We went through and dissected the service, and Amelie gave me some really no nonsense, straightforward, honest advice on how to improve the messaging and how to market that and a really clear plan on how to take that to market and how to go out and find the right people that it would fit for. I really appreciate and value Amelie’s advice. I’ve known Amelie for a long time, and I know that she has fantastic business acumen and she has worked on some amazing projects that she brings so much of that experience into the advice that she gives. So I absolutely, really appreciate and value that advice and would recommend these sessions for anybody that is stuck on something or needs help on a particular part of their business or their strategy or their operations. Yeah, go for it, and you won’t regret it.” –  Kate Clarke, Kate Clarke Marketing

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Amelie T.