$499.00 excluding tax

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Landing Page Funnel Conversion Audit


  • Marketing


  • Grow
  • Manage
  • Solve


Analyze your website / online sales funnel and provide guidance on testing and optimizing it to ensure cost-effectiveness and high conversion rates

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A man with short, light-colored hair is wearing a light gray blazer over a collared shirt with thin stripes. He has a red poppy pinned to his blazer lapel and is smiling at the camera against a plain white background.
From Greg P
Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


Is your conversion rate less than 1%? Are people bouncing from your website all the time? Our Landing Page Funnel Conversion Audit is a focused service aimed at significantly boosting your landing page’s effectiveness. This service meticulously evaluates your landing page designs, user engagement metrics, and conversion pathways. We provide a comprehensive review of content relevance, call-to-action clarity, page load speed, mobile responsiveness, and user experience (UX). By identifying bottlenecks and misalignments in your funnel, we offer specific, actionable recommendations to improve overall conversion rates. This service is essential for businesses seeking to optimize their digital funnels to capture more leads and convert them into sales effectively.

Deliverables / Outputs

  • A Loom video with a deep dive into the funnel performance and opportunities; and an action plan document with suggestions for improvement.


  • 1 week turnaround


  • Client will provide read-only access to the analytics account and share context behind the current setup.

Additional information


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Greg P.