$10,000.00 excluding tax

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HR Policies & Procedures Manual


  • Human Resources


  • Launch
  • Manage
  • Plan


A robust HR policies & procedures that can impact employee motivation, organization reputation and your ability to attract and retain talent, creating mutual benefits for employees and your organization.

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Having an HR policies & procedures manual formalizes your organizational policies and procedures. This ensures that all rules and guidelines at your organization are well-documented and readily available to your employees. By providing a clear reference point, it minimizes any ambiguity regarding how your organization operates. It also saves valuable time for your HR personnel and managers. Instead of answering repetitive questions or addressing policy-related issues individually, employees can refer to these documents for answers, allowing HR and management to focus on more strategic tasks. A manual helps ensure that your organization policies are consistently enforced. By providing guidelines for HR professionals and managers, it reduces the risk of inconsistent application of policies, which can lead to employee dissatisfaction. Lastly, an HR manual provides numerous benefits to your organization, ranging from clear communication of policies to legal protection and improved onboarding. They serve as essential tools in managing a workforce effectively and fostering a positive workplace culture. By investing in them, your organization can enhance their operations, reduce legal risks, and support your employees in achieving their best performance.


  • The consultant will review current policies (documented or implied)
  • The consultant will Identify and select major processes for which policies and procedures should be developed
  • The consultant will decompose major processes to sub-process level and define process boundaries, ownership, issues, etc
  • The consultant will develop policies based on identified key processes
  • The consultant will discuss documented policies with relevant executives
  • The consultant will obtain approval on the documented policies

HR policies and procedures, will be covering the following functions:

  • Manpower Planning
  • Recruitment & Selection
  • Training & Development
  • Succession Planning
  • End of Employment
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Personnel Administration
  • Leaves Management


HR Policies & Procedures Manual with:

  • Supporting templates
  • Detailed process with responsibilities and timelines


  • This work typically requires 12-14 weeks to complete. A specific timeframe for execution will be agreed between Client and Consultant.


  • Includes up to 2-3 rounds of revisions based on Client feedback
  • Client will provide constructive feedback and guidance in reviews
  • Client will review & accept Deliverables with 14 days of final submission
  • Client will provide relevant source materials & data, licensed, company and brand assets & guidelines, etc.
  • Out-of-scope or additional requests will require a separate Engagement

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Hamzah S.