$975.00 excluding tax

Coaching: Elevate Your Network.


  • Leadership


  • Grow
  • Manage


Unlock Your Networking Potential with a Structured Coaching Program Designed to Build Effective Networking Strategies.

From Lana D
Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


Effective networking is not just an asset; it is a necessity, whether you are a rising star or a seasoned professional.

Are you looking for a strategy to:

  • Expand your network
  • Craft a personal brand or business pitch
  • Secure new opportunities for your business
  • Set strategic, planned, and measurable goals

This coaching program is ideal for:

  • Emerging Leaders: Accelerate your career growth by building a robust professional network.
  • Seasoned Professionals: Expand your influence and discover new opportunities in your field.
  • Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: Forge valuable connections that can drive business success.

Program Details:

4 structured 1:1 sessions, to be completed within 6 weeks of the start.

  • Session 1: Strategic Networking
    Master strategies to expand and enhance your professional circles.
  • Session 2: Personal Branding
    Craft an impactful elevator pitch that defines your unique value.
  • Session 3: Networking to Opportunities
    Develop a comprehensive networking plan and turn connections into opportunities.
  • Session 4: Goal Setting for the Next Quarter
    Set and plan actionable goals for the upcoming quarter and chart a path to making networking a natural part of your daily life.

Additional information



Product Type



Lana D.

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    $9,000.00 excluding tax
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