$5,750.00 excluding tax

Leadership Development Coaching


  • Human Resources
  • Leadership


  • Grow
  • Manage


Unlock Leadership Potential Through Self-Awareness Coaching.

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From Lana D
Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


Self-awareness is a cornerstone of strong leadership, often surpassing the benefits of an MBA. Feedback is crucial to achieving this self-awareness. This tailored six-month coaching program is designed to help leaders grow, develop, and become more self-aware.

Why Self-Awareness Matters:

  • Informed Decision-Making: Self-aware leaders make better decisions.
  • Calm and Focused: Maintain composure and focus under pressure.
  • Strengths and Improvement: Recognize and leverage strengths while addressing areas for improvement.
  • Feedback-Driven: Embrace feedback and empower your team.

Program Highlights:

  • Science-Backed Feedback Tool: Gain insights from 6-20 peers, direct reports, and leaders.
  • Actionable Insights: Distinguish meaningful feedback from noise.
  • Goal Setting and Achievement: Develop SMART goals and track progress.
  • Vulnerability and Empowerment: Foster openness and empower your team.

Program Includes:

  • Setup Meeting: Up to two hours.
  • Survey Review and Goal Setting: Up to two hours.
  • Bi-Weekly Coaching Sessions: Regular touchpoints for continuous growth.
  • Review Meeting and Follow-Up Survey Setup: Up to two hours, typically at the five-month mark.
  • Follow-Up Survey Review: Assess ROI and plan next steps.
  • Feedback Survey Tool Access: Available for the duration of the contract.

Engage with this Self-Awareness Coaching Program: Get excited about the transformation this program can bring to your leadership style. With industry-leading feedback tools and personalized coaching, you’ll experience unparalleled professional growth. Unlock your full potential and lead with confidence.

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Lana D.