$10,000.00 excluding tax

Leadership & Team Development Consulting for Small-Medium Businesses and Start-Ups


  • Human Resources
  • Leadership


  • Grow
  • Manage
  • Plan


I help scaling businesses set up the processes they need, from hiring to retaining the right people, so you can grow and manage your team for long-term success!

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Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


We start by making sure your mission, vision, and values are clear and aligning them with your hiring needs, to the right interview questions to ask that match your company culture, to ensuring we measure performance based on your core values and set up clear performance matrices.


  • We work together to make sure your mission, vision, and values are clear.
  • We align these to your hiring needs: what do you want to see in the people you’re bringing on board?
  • We set the right questions to ask in hiring interviews, which reveal the match with your company culture.
  • We set up the performance matrix based on your core values.
  • We develop learning and professional development processes for you and your team so that you develop, retain, and motivate your top talent.
  • We assess what motivates the leaders and the team together, and how they are all making their best impact and contribution to the team, organization, or business.


$10,000 – $25,000 USD

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Roxana R.