$5,000.00 excluding tax

Team Coaching: Bring Back the Fizz & Buzz in Your Team


  • Human Resources
  • Leadership


  • Manage
  • Plan
  • Solve


Team Coaching Program for In-House teams (leadership teams, departments, cross-teams, project teams).

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Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


80% of organizations operate almost wholly in teams, and today’s world is complex and changing rapidly.

Organizations need qualified team coaches and leaders with the ability to create connections on multiple levels to develop a sustainable and prosperous workplace. Team literacy is now an essential competence for all coaches, team leaders, and HR professionals. Today’s challenges need collaborative teams. Bring This Holistic Team Coaching Program to Your Team!

Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.’​ – Richard Branson

I absolutely love this quote! Because whenever I am ‘the client’, it’s those employees who are well taken care of that make me feel like a million bucks!

The problem is – WHO takes care of the employees?

‘Being taken care of’ demands the question – by whom? Most of us will immediately say: their manager.

What I’m hearing from the team managers I work with is this: now is one of the most difficult times to be managing a team!

You need to be able to manage your workload, and manage your team.

Achieve your goals and have a big picture about what needs to happen next.

Bring more ‘fizz’ and ‘buzz’ into your work and into your team’s work!

Next question: HOW?

This is where this Team Coaching Program comes in to support leaders and teams navigate the challenges in today’s constantly changing workplace!

It’s become obvious that it’s unrealistic for companies to rely solely on individual leaders to meet their critical goals.

Instead, I really want to help companies develop the collective leadership and intelligence of their teams, to produce better outcomes.

The Team Coaching Program supports teams and leaders:

✅ To understand individual and team strengths and areas of development as a cohesive team.

✅ To define team purpose, values, and priorities.

✅ To better see and understand individual and team unspoken behaviors, modes of operation, and other blind spots.

✅ To build the team’s capacity to manage conflict.

✅ To clarify goals, performance indicators, and roles.

✅ To build a plan to help the team and team members continually learn.

✅ To help you as a team leader coach the team, and the team as a whole to coach itself.

✅ Bring back the Fizz & Buzz in your team – both individually and collectively!

If you think this may be a good program for you and your team, and want to find out more about it, let’s talk!


$5,000 – $25,000 USD (depending on team and project size)

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Roxana R.