My unique experience blend – information technology leadership, organizational transformation | change management leadership, and post-graduate education in the social psychology of work. equip me to work with and for organizational leaders in a wide variety of organizations.
My past consulting and interim management experience include assignments in:
- Information technology based enterprise wide organizational transformation, the upgrading of service delivery levels by information technology groups, large and small, enterprise wide project management office creation and remediation, long term organization product | service offer strategy formulation | implementation, enterprise wide transformation | change management.
I act as a strategic executive coach. I work with a single senior or a team of C-level individuals to craft the long-term strategy for such efforts, and the actions needed to implement it.
Specific assignments start with an initial far-ranging strategy discussion. That may lead to a broader assignment which is focused on dialogue with a single senior leader to a set of facilitated dialogues with a whole executive team or some other action plan.
- The definition | clarification of a dynamic which is keeping your business or organization from achieving its strategic success. Action plans to move beyond the blocker.
- A short summary statement (1 – 2 pages as a PDF) which summarizes the dialogue and its results.
- This work typically requires 2 days to complete: Dialogue on Day One, Summary prepared and presented on Day 2.
- Complete confidentiality.
- Any follow up work will be discussed and negotiated through a letter of agreement outline steps involved, deliverables, terms and conditions