$250.00 excluding tax

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Business Strategy Advisory Session


  • Business Strategy
  • Startups


  • Grow
  • Plan


A one hour session to discuss the overall approach for a strategy problem.

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A person with short dark hair, a beard, and glasses is smiling at the camera. They are wearing a blue blazer over a light-colored button-down shirt. The background is transparent.
Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


Need a high level diagnosis for your problem or just want to know what next? Let us participate in a 60 minute brainstorming session


  • Consultant will be available for a 1-hour session with the agenda up to the Client.
  • Consultant will listen intently to Client, document the conversation, and upon Client request, identify opportunities for deeper understanding and/or remediating measures that may be used to address business concern


  • Consultant will provide suggestions and advice over the 60 minute call
  • Submit the documented discussion points along with possible follow up actions after the call

TIMING: This will be a 1 hour call


  • Client will provide a time that is mutually acceptable to both Consultant and the Client, including when both are in different time zones
  • Agenda must be shared with the Consultant at least two days prior to the call, along with any data that the client would like to share

PRICE: Starting from $250 USD.

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Product Type


Vijay A.

